Prove it to yourself

Prayers by the Lake by St Nikolai Velimirovic

Prayer XCIII

The One wished for has come, and will come again, and yet you ask: “Who will prove to us that He is God?”

I shall ask you, somber brethren, and you respond to what I ask: “If you were to have God come to earth, in what form would you wish to see Him?”

“We should wish to see Him as a man, fairer than all the sons of men, mightier than all the sons of men in word and mightier than all the sons of men in deed. We should wish to see Him as an exceedingly handsome prince; not haughty but as meek as a lamb; someone who would come under our roofs, eat and drink with us, and share everything in common with us except our weakness and sin.”

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Then I tell you: “You yourselves have already proven that God was among us.”

“We should wish to see Him as a man, although He can reveal Himself in any fleshly form. When He speaks, He should speak mightily, as no man has ever spoken. When He walks through this world, He should not walk as a hireling and a slave but as a Lord. Water and winds should listen to Him, people should follow Him, evil spirits should flee from Him. He should be of assistance to people every day: comforting those who mourn, healing the sick, resurrecting the dead. We should wish Him to be this sort of God among us.”

Then I tell you: “You yourselves have proven that God was among us.”

“We should wish for Him to come to us not as a king with a wealth that perishes, with an army that vanishes, or with a luster that tarnishes — not as a king but as One greater than kings. And we should wish for Him to come to us not as an ordinary prophet, but rather as the One who was prophesied from the beginning of time, as One who would dare to say that He is older than time, as One who would prophesy to us what will happen at the end of time and after the end of time. And we should wish for Him to come to us not as a priest but as a high priest, in whom all three appear together, God, priest, and sacrifice. This is how we should wish for God to manifest Himself among us.”

Then I tell you: “You yourselves have proven that God was among us.”

“We should wish for Him to come and go quickly, for we should not be able to endure Him for long. Once He were to come, however, we should wish for His word to reverberate throughout time and space, never ending or stopping; and we should wish for the earth to be kindled by His steps and to burn with heavenly fire, as long as the earth lasts.”

Then I tell you: “You yourselves have proven that God was among us.”

The One wished for came among men in whatever way men could have wished, and even better still, and mightier still, and fairer still, and even so, even then people said: “Who will prove to us that this is God?”

The One wished for will come again, my soul. Like a fiery dragon He will fly up to you and, if you do not recognize Him, He will fly away, and truly you will see Him no more. Arise, my soul, do not sleep but keep watch. Implant in yourself the image of the One wished for, what He is like, so that you may recognize Him when He comes.

Let the images of all worlds leave you, my soul, and let His image fill you entirely, from east to west, from north to south –so that you may recognize Him when He comes.

For He will come and go like a fiery dragon, and yet you will be dozing and saying: “Who will prove to us…?”

If you do not prove it to yourself, no one will ever prove it to you.

If your everlasting life does not prove Him to you, your everlasting death will.