by St Nicholas Velimirovic Mary Magdalene was one of the myrrh-bearing women and “equal to the apostles”. She was born...
by St Nicholas Velimirovic Mary Magdalene was one of the myrrh-bearing women and “equal to the apostles”. She was born...
PROLOGUE While exploring the inexhaustible library of our Monastery, a book printed in 1902 fell quite unexpectedly into our...
From the fourteenth century to the present day, the land of Kosovo and Metohija has been, and will always remain,...
To the Very Reverend Abbot Archimandrite Εphraim And the other venerable Fathers of the Holy, Royal, Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery...
PROLOGUE While exploring the inexhaustible library of our Monastery, a book printed in 1902 fell quite unexpectedly into our...
Date: 20. – 25.10.2011. Organisator: Some friends of Mount Athos – Kleanthis Symeonides Conduct: Kleanthis Symeonides, E-mail: ksymeonides@cytanet.com.cy Communication: English…
During the primacy of His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II, the Patriarch of All Georgia and Archbishop of Miskheta and...
Introduction Some comments made by Misha: This letter was received in 2006. It was kept hidden because of personal reasons...
The monks of the Holy Mountain teach us that through ascetic practices we are able to perfect quietude of body...
— Geronda, what books should be read by those who are beginning their spiritual search? — First, they should read...
Hermitage where famous Mount Athos monk Josif Isihasta spiritually struggled. Our Merciful Lord Christ, everlasting thanks to You for making...
Continued from (20) 5. The Differences between the Trials Trials (peirasmoi) are so called because they engender experience (peira), since...
Continued from (19) 4. On Trials and the Spiritual Law The Fathers’ saying ‘spill your blood and receive the spirit’...
Continued from (18) 3. On Regime and Disorder Among the duties which the ever-memorable Elder taught us during the first...
Continued from (17) 2. On Discovering the Will of God Our life with the Elder had the character of childhood...
Continued from (16) Part Two: Teaching 1. On Sanctification and Dispassion We have already said how difficult it is to...
Continued from (15) It would be an omission not to speak of the other basic characteristic of our ever-memorable Elder,...
Continued from (14) 11. The move to New Skete ‘Arsenios,’ said the Elder one day in June 1951, ‘it looks...
Continued from (13) The Elder very often stressed the importance of vigil as the most practical method in the spiritual...
Continued from (12) Perhaps I am now making myself incomprehensible or exaggerating, in the view of those who do not...