PROLOGUE While exploring the inexhaustible library of our Monastery, a book printed in 1902 fell quite unexpectedly into our...
PROLOGUE While exploring the inexhaustible library of our Monastery, a book printed in 1902 fell quite unexpectedly into our...
Ο Πατήρ Αρσένιος Μπόκα (+ 28 Νοεμβρίου 1989) έλαβε το χάρισμα της προφητείας στο Άγιο Όρος και επιστρέφοντας στην Ρουμανία...
To the Very Reverend Abbot Archimandrite Εphraim And the other venerable Fathers of the Holy, Royal, Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery...
PROLOGUE While exploring the inexhaustible library of our Monastery, a book printed in 1902 fell quite unexpectedly into our...
Pentru monahi, tăcerea este dreptar al vieţii. Ea îi păzeşte de vorbirea neîncetată şi neînfrânată, de judecarea aproapelui şi de...
Συνέχεια από (1) Ο κύριος όγκος του Άθωνα και η κορυφή του (2033) είναι γυμνός από δάση και μοιάζει σαν...
Το Άγιον Όρος, «ο υψιπετής και ουρανογείτων Άθως», το κατά την λαικήν έκφρασιν «Περιβόλι της Παναγίας». Δυνάμεθα να είπωμεν ότι...
Saint Nikolai Velimirovch Athanasius was born in Trebizond of God-fearing parents. He became orphaned at an early age but, by...
p. Païssios l’Athonite Question: Geronta, comment un mari peut-il devenir expérimenté en vertus? Réponse : Dieu lui donnera les opportunités....
À Saint-Basile, l’Ancien, bien malgré lui, commença à être connu. Plusieurs, désirant mener la vie monastique sous sa direction, se...
La principale cause de trouble était due au fait que les moines des environs avaient la vieille habitude d’emprunter un...
Hermitage where famous Mount Athos monk Josif Isihasta spiritually struggled. Our Merciful Lord Christ, everlasting thanks to You for making...
Continued from (20) 5. The Differences between the Trials Trials (peirasmoi) are so called because they engender experience (peira), since...
Continued from (19) 4. On Trials and the Spiritual Law The Fathers’ saying ‘spill your blood and receive the spirit’...
J’entrai dans le monastère à midi en passant par une lourde double porte en bois toute cloutée. Au dessus de...
Continued from (18) 3. On Regime and Disorder Among the duties which the ever-memorable Elder taught us during the first...
Continued from (17) 2. On Discovering the Will of God Our life with the Elder had the character of childhood...
Continued from (16) Part Two: Teaching 1. On Sanctification and Dispassion We have already said how difficult it is to...
Continued from (15) It would be an omission not to speak of the other basic characteristic of our ever-memorable Elder,...