1. SAINT TIKHON, BISHOP OF AMATHUS Saint Tikhon was a miracle-worker. Following the death of Blessed Mnemonius, Tikhon...
1. SAINT TIKHON, BISHOP OF AMATHUS Saint Tikhon was a miracle-worker. Following the death of Blessed Mnemonius, Tikhon...
On the tenth day after the Ascension of Jesus Christ during the Jewish feast of Pentecost, at the third hour,...
by Hieromonk Damascene A talk delivered at the Annual Lenten Clergy Confession of the New Gracanica Metropolitanate and the Western...
During the primacy of His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II, the Patriarch of All Georgia and Archbishop of Miskheta and...
MESSAGE By His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew For World Environment Day (June 5, 2010) Inasmuch as, at the Ecumenical...
On the tenth day after the Ascension of Jesus Christ during the Jewish feast of Pentecost, at the third hour,...
“Satan can only deceive he cannot pluck us out of the hand of God” Deceive – to mislead by a false...
by St. Anastasius the Sinaite St. Anastasius was a priest and abbot of Mt. Sinai. His zeal for true faith...
There is a Resurrection, and a Judgment, and a scrutiny of our actions. And let as many as deem that...
by Hieromonk Damascene A talk delivered at the Annual Lenten Clergy Confession of the New Gracanica Metropolitanate and the Western...
Enter into the Church and wash away your sins. For there is a hospital for sinners and not a court...
John was born in Antioch in the year 354. His father, Secundus, was an imperial commander and his mother’s name...
The symbol of Christian faith has ever been and always will be the Cross, for it is the sign...
Continued from (Part V) Other Orthodox Communities in America. Albanian. Albanian Orthodox immigrants had been arriving in America for some...
Continued from (Part IV) Orthodoxy in America. In the 18th Century, the great Orthodox Christian missionary work which began with...
Continued from (Part III) World Orthodoxy Today. Constantinople. The Patriarchate of Constantinople again, at least nominally, became independent after World...
Continued from (Part II) Notable Fathers of the Early Period. St. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage († 258). St. Cyprian, commemorated...
St Paul, in his Epistle to the Hebrews (11: 17-19), writes: By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up...
(…For at it they who worshipped the stars, were taught by a star to adore Thee, the Sun of...
In the same way, any child who grows up surrounded in an atmosphere of prayer in the home will, almost...